
Odaro is a cross-industry transformational leader who loves to push the boundaries of AI and data to solve complex real-world problems. Beyond numerous works via a variety of media including articles, podcasts, newsletters, and keynote speeches, Edosa is the author of the new book, Making Data Work.
Edosa Odaro

From Covid and climate change through our financial services, retail, and entertainment to our public services and increasingly across almost all facets of society, digital, data, and diversity are radically changing everything that we do.

Even beyond enhancements to online shopping and the proliferation of wearables, improvements to point-of-care diagnostics and telemedicine, advancements in drones and driverless technologies, data is underpinning revolutionary changes in artificial intelligence and robotics that are reshaping the ways we live our lives.

Yet, there is no shortage of research and analysis which confirm that the vast majority of data transformation initiatives fail to deliver their expected outcomes.

Such suboptimal outcomes have often led to frustration and challenges to securing buy in and funding. Beyond these, data failures frequently lead to even more undesirable outcomes, such as, negative customer impacts, loss of revenue, and missed opportunities. Sadly, data failures also lead to even more disastrous situations such as catastrophic financial crises and avoidable fatalities.

Over the years, I have been fortunate to have been able to amass broad and diverse experience not only of those strategies that make data work but also those strategies that do not.

My passion for sharing the accumulation of the resultant development of insights and methodologies has led to the delivery of numerous works via articles, podcasts, feature interviews, panels, webinars, journals, reports, academic papers, newsletters, keynote speeches, and ultimately to my new book, Making Data Work.

Making Data Work 

Enabling Digital Transformation, Empowering People and Advancing Organisational Success

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It is easy to get in touch with Edosa - either via @edosa on LinkedIn, @EdosaOdaroData on Instagram, @EdosaOdaro on Twitter, or via email on

Edosa would love to support your transformation from Organizational Visions into Quantifiable Data Value....

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